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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Strider 12 Classic. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
16 reasons to buy
- Many owners have praised the Strider for successfully teaching their children to ride a bike.
- Striders are intentionally lightweight, making things easier for tiny riders.
- After training on a Strider, transitioning to pedals was said to be easy and intuitive.
- The Geometry of the Classic was well thought out. The positions of the saddle, bars and footrests made for a good fit for toddlers.
- The Classic is designed to allow for growth, accommodating 18-month to 3 year-olds.
- Customer service was universally lauded for prompt and attentive responses.
- Some parents described the Classic’s build quality as top-notch.
- On the Classic; both the handlebars and seatpole are easily adjusted, for growing riders.
- The solid foam tire is puncture-proof and grippier than cheaper plastic types.
- As the base model, parents appreciated the Classic’s low price.
- Experts note that Striders are ‘function-driven’. Buyers aren’t paying for frills.
- The Classic is widely available from both physical and online stores.
- It’s gentle enough for indoor use, but sturdy enough for rough outdoor roads.
- Assembly was almost always easy.
- The Classic now comes with a longer, padded second saddle to aid growth spurts.
- One owner said the Strider was tough enough to withstand their car driving over it.
8 reasons not to buy
- The foam tires were less durable than pneumatic rubber.
- Plastic bushings, rather than bearings, are used in the headset and wheels.
- A number of owners received handlebars that were too stiff for children to turn.
- Notoriously for some users, the clamp for the steering handle did not fit.
- Some buyers saw the Classic as overpriced, considering the foam wheels and bushings.
- Two owners did not receive handlebars with their Strider.
- The hard plastic saddle was seen as too firm by some parents.
- Some 3 year-olds were apparently too tall for the Classic 12”.
Bottom line
The Strider 12 Classic was a breakthrough design upon its release. It’s still incredibly popular, due to a proven ability to teach little riders how to transition from feet-on-the-ground... to balancing... and finally to a big-kids pedal bike. All this can be done without any need for trainer-wheels at any stage. Most owners are satisfied with their balance-bike and have passed them down from sibling to sibling and on to family and friends. The only concerns were some recurring issues with the headset, which should be addressed. This problem only occurred in a small minority of bikes. This balance-bike came across as an honest and well-intentioned product with proven results.Expert Reviews
0/100 based on 0 rated expert reviewsStrider Balance Bike Review
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