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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Specialized Turbo Vado SL EQ. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
19 reasons to buy
- Reviewers appreciate the efficiency of this e-bike’s streamlined build.
- Testers say these e-bikes are speedy, with a highly responsive motor.
- Reviewers report a smooth and “seamless” delivery of assistance.
- Reviewers appreciate the bike’s light 33-37.5 lb weight, both when riding and carrying it.
- Testers say this e-bike is able to conquer most inclines, with adequate pedal input.
- Testers find this e-bike comfortable to ride without power.
- Reviewers describe the bike’s ride position as upright, comfortable and also “sporty”.
- A rear rack, with a 33.07 lb capacity, is included.
- Integrated front and rear lights are included. A tester deems them “highly effective”.
- Full-coverage front and rear fenders are included. Testers say they are effective in the slop.
- This e-bike is offered in both stepover and accessible low-step versions.
- Each build is available in four sizes to fit riders 5’1” to 6’4”.
- Testers say, with Tektro hydraulic disc brakes, this bike “can be pulled up in double-quick time”.
- Testers report that the Turbo Vado SL EQ is both stable and agile.
- Both 11 and 12-speed drivetrains provide a generous gear range.
- Reviewers admire this bike’s understated yet attractive appearance.
- The Turbo Vado SL EQ 5.0 is fitted with a carbon fiber fork.
- Rough-road compliance is enhanced by Future Shock 1.5 micro-suspension on the 5.0 build.
- Testers are pleased with the bevy of options available through Specialized’s Mission Control app.
4 reasons not to buy
- Users and reviewers lament that the Turbo Vado SL EQ’s battery can’t be removed to charge it off-bike.
- Reviewers describe all Turbo Vado SL EQ builds as relatively expensive.
- Three testers describe the Specialized Bridge Sport saddle as “unforgiving” and “narrow”.
- Two testers describe the bike’s display as “underwhelming” and hard to read, especially considering the SL EQ‘s price.