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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the sixthreezero EVRYjourney. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
8 reasons to buy
- A large number of reviewers experienced easy and smooth shifting with the Shimano gears.
- From a lot of accounts, assembly is almost complete on product arrival and remaining assembly is quick and simple with an easy-to-read instruction manual.
- The pastel color range delighted customers.
- It was a comfortable ride for many, with an amazing number reporting how good it was for their back.
- Apparently, the EVRYjourney ‘rides well’.
- Buyers thought this bike came at a great price.
- Some riders found this 38 lb machine lightweight and easy to carry up stairs.
- Customers were pleased that the EVRYjourney fits shorter people.
6 reasons not to buy
- Users reported noisy gears, even after repair by a local bike shop.
- A lot of buyers found this bike difficult to assemble and the instructions difficult to read.
- The EVRYjourney had its share of the usual online-bike issues: missing parts (including a seatpost and small screws), many dented fenders and scratches.
- Some componentry was not stellar, including the plastic derailleur and soft metal screws on brakes.
- A few riders said that this bike does not fit riders sized 5’1” and under.
- Unfortunately, sixthreezero were accused of poor customer service, on a number of occasions.