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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Electra Cruiser 1 Step-Thru. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
12 reasons to buy
- The Cruiser 1 was seen as excellent value for a solid and durable bike.
- Relaxed geometry was easy-going and comfortable.
- This cruiser suited riders from 5’ to 5’11”, from teenage to 70+ years old.
- The Cruiser 1 Step-Thru proved to be an ultra-low maintenance ride.
- Gearing was described by a rider as being “perfect” for this bike’s weight.
- Owners found the Cruiser 1 Step-Thru to be a sturdy and durable steed.
- The Cruiser 1’s range of pearlescent colors was much liked.
- Several owners found the Electra Comfort elastomer saddle comfortable.
- Wide RetroRunner 26x2.125” tires delivered a comfortable and stable ride.
- A comfortable 2:1 (44/22t) gear ratio was leisurely on moderate hill-climbs.
- The Cruiser 1 was easily fitted with a rear rack and child seat.
- Assembly tasks were minimal.
4 reasons not to buy
- An older owner sought a more “open” step-through design.
- Some riders weren’t comfortable on the Electra Comfort elastomer saddle.
- Some buyers would have liked to have fenders included with the bike.
- The 2:1 (44/22t) gear ratio left riders spinning out on descents.