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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Rambo The Savage. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
8 reasons to buy
- The Savage is kit out with a 750W Bafang motor with a peak output rating of 1000W.
- Owners say the Savage capably climbs steep hills, by throttle alone.
- The Savage’s internal 3-speed hub protects gearing and prevents vegetation from becoming caught in the bike’s drivetrain.
- Riders are pleased with the 35-40 mile range offered by the Rebel’s 14Ah battery.
- The Savage has the power to tow a trailer full of game and/or kit.
- Owners find it easy to read the Savage’s TruckRun LCD screen.
- The Savage hauls heavy riders over 250lb, with aplomb.
- Users say the Savage is easy to assemble in a reported two hours.
6 reasons not to buy
- Two owners reported grinding, slipping and/or clunking when climbing on their new Savage.
- An owner’s new Savage lost power rapidly.
- After rolling without pedaling, the Savage’s computer may reset.
- A tester says the Savage has low bottom-bracket and pedal clearance.
- One owner’s battery drained very quickly on their new Savage.
- Three owners described “evasive”, “dishonest” and “unhelpful” customer service from Rambo, in addition to providing incorrect parts and not honoring warranties.