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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Huffy Cranbrook. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
11 reasons to buy
- A mechanically adept owner said a correctly assembled Cranbrook rides smoothly.
- A reviewer said handling was sharp and graceful.
- An owner described the ‘Midnight Blue’ Cranbrook as “beautiful”.
- The Cranbrook’s geometry suited a casual, cruisy approach.
- A number of owners found assembly easy and minimal.
- Some owners saw the Cranbrook as well-built and sturdy.
- For the low price, this Cruiser struck buyers as great value.
- An owner reported riding 2,384 miles without any mechanical issues.
- Retro looks were a big drawcard of the Cranbrook.
- Though squeaky, the sprung saddle was comfortable on long rides.
- Included fenders did their job well in wet conditions.
9 reasons not to buy
- Occasionally, warped wheels had to be trued from new.
- Tubes were punctured by unfinished spoke nipples and valve edges.
- Factory error resulted in lopsided and bent handlebars.
- A bent axle and coaster hub failure appeared after 6 months use.
- At 36.6lbs the Cranbrook proved weighty, especially on climbs.
- Not infrequently, scratches were evident on new bikes.
- Bent fenders were an occasional concern.
- Cranbrooks sometimes arrived missing small parts
- An owner had to replace pedals, a chain and a rear wheel after 2 months.
Bottom line
The Huffy Cranbrook comes at the lowest of prices, even for a single-speed beach cruiser. For your dollar, your purchase is pot-luck, to some extent. A number of buyers got a well-functioning, low-end bike that did the job of casual cruising on lowland terrain… as long as it was assembled correctly. For other riders, poorly finished and warped rims presented a barrier to riding and enjoying their bike. At this price, it was strongly suggested that buyers got their Cranbrook professionally assembled by a non-judgemental mechanic. As the base for a custom lowrider, klunker or dragster project, the Cranbrook presented less unwelcome surprises.Expert Reviews
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