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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Gazelle Medeo T10. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
9 reasons to buy
- Gazelle offers the Medeo T10 as a step-over or mid-step, each in three sizes and three colors.
- Tests show the Shimano hydraulic disc brakes are powerful.
- Owners enjoy the responsive pedal assist.
- One expert praises the stable handling.
- Using PAS 1, a tester gets 60 miles of range from half a battery charge.
- A reviewer appreciates the smooth-shifting Shimano Deore 10-speed drivetrain.
- The Medeo T10 comes with integrated lights, a MIK-compatible 55 lb-capacity rack, fenders, a chainguard, and a café lock.
- Owners admire the Medeo T10’s “beautiful” design.
- Gazelle’s warranty covers the frame for 10 years, the fork and paint for five, and the electronics and other mechanical parts for two.
1 reasons not to buy
- An owner complains of the Bosch motor rattling when riding over uneven terrain.