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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Early Rider Seeker. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
10 reasons to buy
- Early Rider offers the Seeker in four sizes, allowing children four and up to adventure on this bike.
- The bike is available in one gleaming, gender-neutral tone. Boys and girls both found this bike's appearance appealing.
- Knobby, wide Vee tires provide riders with stability and traction on off-road terrain, on the Early Rider Seeker.
- Brakes are appropriately specced for each size of the Seeker. V-brakes are utilized on smaller models. Hydraulic disc brakes meet riders' needs on 20" and 24" bikes.
- 20” and 24” models shift smoothly with a Box drivetrain. The 20” model has 8 speeds. The 24” model has 9 speeds.
- All sizes of the Seeker have an easy-to-adjust quick-release saddle.
- Child-sized brake levers are used on the bike.
- The Seeker is lightweight compared to others in its category. This makes it easy to slow down and maneuver.
- Early Rider use a belt drive on the Seeker. This is easy to maintain.
- The bike’s frame is constructed out of high-quality aluminum.
1 reasons not to buy
- The Early Rider Seeker is expensive.