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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Pure Cycles Coaster. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
7 reasons to buy
- The Pure Cycles Coaster is easy to maintain. It is a single-speed bike with a coaster brake. There are no cables or derailleurs to maintain on the bike.
- The bike is constructed out of steel, making it durable.
- The coaster brake is responsive and is well-liked by users.
- The Pure Cycles Coaster has a simple, classic appearance making it attractive.
- With the addition of a basket or framebag, the bike can easily be used for commuting and running errands.
- Users agree the bike is affordable.
- The Pure Cycles Coaster rides very quietly, according to users.
2 reasons not to buy
- Some users found it difficult to go uphill on the Pure Cycles Coaster, as it only has one speed.
- The instructions included for assembly are not clear. Users specifically noted that the fork could easily be installed incorrectly.
Bottom line
The Pure Cycles Coaster is a simple and easy-to-maintain, single-speed bike. The bike has a responsive coaster brake. Users describe the bike as great for commuting. The bike is affordable, but still solid with its steel frame. The instructions for assembly are not the most descriptive and Pure Cycles recommends having a bike shop assemble the bike. Professional assembly is required to activate the warranty on the bike.Expert Reviews
0/100 based on 0 rated expert reviewsRankings
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