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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Priority Classic Plus. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
10 reasons to buy
- The Gotham Edition of the Priority Classic Plus is sleek, with its matte black finish.
- The bike has mounts for a front and rear rack. This makes it a capable commuter.
- Buyers say Priority offers excellent customer service.
- The Gates belt drive is clean and quiet.
- Touch-up paint is included with the bike.
- The three-speed Nexus hub shifts quietly and smoothly.
- The belt drive doesn't rust. Users that live in coastal regions are pleased by this.
- Buyers have the option of purchasing the bike with a step-through or diamond frame.
- Users agree the bike is lightweight. This makes it easy to maneuver along city streets.
- Assembly is an easy process, especially with Priority's informative videos and a customer support team that responds quickly.
2 reasons not to buy
- Shifting can take time to get used to on the Priority Classic Plus.
- One user had issues with fenders rattling as they rode. These were purchased from Priority.