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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Pivot Shuttle. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
13 reasons to buy
- The Shuttle was very light for an e-mountain-bike, falling under 45lbs.
- Aggressive geometry makes this a real trail bike.
- Battery life impressed, even on long rides with lots of climbing.
- Nicely balanced suspension was unaffected by sag, on climbs.
- The DW-Link rear linkage performed outstandingly.
- ‘Super Boost plus’ 157mm rear hub spacing delivered a very stiff ride.
- Shimano’s STEPS E8000 motor was described as durable.
- The Fox 36 fork’s 160mm of travel was up from previous model’s 150mm.
- Small to Extra-Large frame sizing fits rider heights from 5’4” to 6’7”.
- A 10-year frame warranty offered reassurance to buyers.
- The Shuttle’s frame allows for a long dropper post.
- The frame was watertight and rattle-free with neat internal cabling.
- On new models batteries can be removed, mid-ride, in 3-5 minutes.
7 reasons not to buy
- A reviewer felt that the rear Shimano XT brake lacked bite.
- The motor mode selector takes the desired position of the dropper switch.
- Some folks felt that battery removal was too fiddly on the trail.
- Your two price options are ‘very high’ and ‘astronomical’.
- One reviewer’s motor cut out at 18mph in higher boost modes.
- Another reviewer felt that there were too many gear-shifts and motor modes.
- The 5 bar battery indicator made it difficult to attain an accurate reading.