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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Lectric XPress. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
9 reasons to buy
- Buyers can choose a step-over or step-through frame and a 750W motor with a 14Ah battery or a 500W motor with a 10.4Ah battery.
- A tester enjoys the stability of the forward-leaning position and flat bars used on the high-step frame.
- Experts relish the 750W motor’s power on climbs
- The XPress 750W provides quick acceleration using the throttle.
- Testers say it’s possible to maintain speed with minimal effort using pedal assist, unlike some torque-sensing e-bikes.
- An expert finds that the hydraulic disc brakes provide excellent stopping power.
- The XPress 750W has fenders, lights, and a rear rack rated for 30lb.
- A tester says riding the XPress 750W without pedal assist is manageable.
- Two tall reviewers (6’ and 6’3”) feel comfortable riding the high-step frame.
9 reasons not to buy
- An expert reports a significant delay in motor activation using pedal assist.
- Contrary to its name, a reviewer says the Stealth M24 motor is loud.
- A tester bemoans the drop in power output of the 750W motor as battery charge drops.
- The 80mm coil suspension fork bottoms out under the weight of a 200lb tester.
- A tester describes the front light as dim.
- One reviewer struggles with the “finicky” front thru-axle, saying it’s not easy to use.
- Buyers complain that preordered bikes and accessories (shipped separately) are delayed by weeks or months in some cases.
- Lectric owners criticize its customer support as unresponsive and unhelpful in resolving warranty issues.
- One reviewer says the frame welds are chunky.