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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Blix Vika X. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
12 reasons to buy
- Experts find the Vika X easier to fold and more portable than similarly priced folders.
- This bike has frame-integrated magnets to hold it together when folded.
- Testers praise the smooth and natural-feeling pedal assist and "fluid" acceleration.
- Experts appreciate the Vika X’s maneuverability and responsive steering.
- One reviewer commends the stable handling.
- In a max PAS range test, a reviewer gets 39.6 miles on a flat, paved route at an average speed of 15.9mph. Another gets 24.7 miles of throttle-only range on a hilly test course.
- The Vika X achieves shorter-than-average stopping distances in one publication’s standardized test.
- This bike has electronic shifting.
- The 2.4" tires have puncture protection, and a tester says they provide good traction on pavement.
- The Vika X comes with a 120-lux headlight with high and low beams, a rear light with turn signals and brake activation, fenders, and a rear MIK-HD-compatible cargo rack rated for 59.5lb.
- Blix's Connect app allows users to swap between Class 2 and Class 3 top speeds, customize the auto shifting, and view ride statistics.
- Reviewers compliment the Vika X’s sleek, clean look.
5 reasons not to buy
- Testers complain of limited gearing (46t, 13-32t) that results in ghost pedaling above around 18mph.
- Reviewers find the auto-shift feature clunky. One says it shifts awkwardly, and another says it shifts slowly on hills.
- One expert says the “soft” brake levers must be pressed down halfway to engage the brake.
- Reviewers find the ride bumpy over broken pavement.
- A 6'2" tester finds the bike cramped despite being rated for 4'10" to 6'2". This rider also notes flex in the stem when it's fully extended.