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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Bixe 12" Extreme Light. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
10 reasons to buy
- The Bixe 12" Extreme Light Balance Bike is very affordable.
- The bike is extremely lightweight. It weighs just 4.6 lbs.
- The bike is easy to assemble.
- The bike is available in four colors that users found very attractive.
- The Bixe 12" Extreme Light Balance Bike has footrests.
- It is easy to adjust the seat and handlebars on the bike to fit the rider.
- The bike’s geometry puts riders in a position to easily maneuver on the bike.
- The foam tires do not leave marks on the floor if riders use the Bixe 12" Extreme Light Balance Bike indoors.
- Users found the bike helped children learn to balance, glide and stride before transitioning to a pedal bike.
- The foam tires do not hold air. Riders do not have to worry about their tires going flat.
6 reasons not to buy
- The foam tires do not provide adequate traction for riders.
- Many users noted the bike was poorly constructed.
- The seat is hard and uncomfortable for riders.
- The bike's components lack durability. Users reported catastrophic issues with the steerer, clamp, wheels and tires after only a few months of regular use.
- The bike does not have a handbrake.
- The Bixe 12" Extreme Light Balance Bike does not have quick-release clamps on the seat post or handlebars.