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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Banana Bike LT. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
13 reasons to buy
- The LT Banana Bike has a durable steel frame.
- The handlebars and seat are adjustable to ensure the bike is a comfortable fit for young riders.
- The seat clamp is quick-release on the LT Banana Bike.
- The tires are foam. Riders will never have a flat tire on the LT Banana Bike.
- Users found the tires do not scuff floors if the bike is ridden indoors.
- The LT Banana Bike has wide handlebars and provides riders with a position that has a low center of gravity for greater stability when gliding and striding on the bike.
- The bike is offered in three stylish colors: blue, green and pink.
- The bike is lightweight. Young riders can easily steer and maneuver the bike.
- The LT Banana Bike is easy to assemble.
- The bike includes all of the tools needed for assembly.
- The bike is small and easy to transport. It fits in the trunk of a compact car.
- The bike is affordable.
- Users found that if they had issues with the bike, it was easy to reach a customer service representative. Banana Bikes was prompt at addressing any issues and replacing damaged parts.
7 reasons not to buy
- Several users had issues with the bike's wheel bearings. This caused the wheels to wobble and eventually fall off for some users.
- Users reported that the seat post is poor quality and may snap off.
- The seat is hard and uncomfortable.
- A tool is needed to adjust the handlebars.
- The grips on the LT Banana Bike are uncomfortable and wear quickly.
- The bike does not have a footrest.
- The tires are foam. Many users expressed that they would have preferred plastic tires.
Bottom line
The LT Banana Bike is a lightweight, durable bike for young riders not yet ready for pedals. The bike helps them develop the skills necessary for a pedal bike. The LT Banana Bike is easy to assemble, has adjustable handlebars and an adjustable seat. It is available in three colors. Users were disappointed that the bike has foam tires instead of plastic. The bike lacks a footrest. Many users found that bearings and other hardware on the bike could become loose with regular use and require replacement and tightening often.Expert Reviews
70/100 based on 1 rated expert reviewBanana Bike Review
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