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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Vvolt Alpha II. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
13 reasons to buy
- The Gates Carbon belt drive is quiet, efficient, and low maintenance, with no dirty chain to stain clothing.
- At 44lb, the Alpha II is relatively light for an e-bike.
- Reviewers savor the Alpha II’s sleek, futuristic looks.
- Testers enjoy the comfortable ride thanks to the upright position, ergonomic grips, and 2.4” CST street tires.
- Experts applaud the SafeSpeed throttle, which provides smooth, comfortable acceleration that’s a good fit for beginners and seniors.
- The throttle is easily removed for Class 1 operation.
- The bike comes in three sizes to fit riders from 5’ to 6’3”.
- The Alpha II is backed by a three-year warranty.
- The bike can carry up to 440lb, including a 300lb rider.
- Vvolt states battery range at 20 to 45 miles. A 150lb tester covers 22.7 miles at PAS 5, and a 200lb tester gets 35.6 miles at PAS 1.
- The bike manages only moderate hills on throttle alone, but it out-climbs comparable bikes when using pedal assist.
- The Shimano hydraulic disc brakes demonstrate above-average braking performance in testing.
- The Alpha II has integrated lights and mounts for fenders and racks, including three-pack mounts on the fork legs.
5 reasons not to buy
- Testers bemoan the ghost pedaling above 15mph due to the single-speed gearing.
- Reviewers complain that the display is hard to see in bright sunlight.
- Riders say the saddle could get uncomfortable on long rides.
- The standover height ranges from 25” to 26.5”, depending on frame size. This could be too high for shorter riders.
- Buyers must pay extra for fenders or racks.