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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Senada Herald. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
8 reasons to buy
- Reviewers and buyers agree that the Senada Herald offers "good value" at this price.
- Experts appreciate the Herald's "responsive" pedal assist.
- Testers and owners relish the 1000W motor's power and acceleration, climbing hills with ease.
- The Herald has fenders, lights, turn signals, a rear rack, and a horn.
- The throttle kill switch increases safety.
- Users and reviewers enjoy the "fast" and "fun" ride on flat terrain.
- Reviewers praise the "versatile" Herald for handling "rougher" terrain smoothly.
- Experts describe riding the Herald as smooth and comfortable.
6 reasons not to buy
- Experts consider the mechanical disc brakes too weak, given the Herald's weight.
- One reviewer says the speedometer is incorrect, displaying speeds 3 to 4mph lower than an external GPS.
- An expert says their display failed after one week.
- The Herald's actual range falls well short of the Senada's rating. One owner achieves just 30 miles in testing.
- The Herald is heavy at 78lb.
- A few users report receiving damaged bikes or packages with missing parts.