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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Razor High Roller. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
6 reasons to buy
- The Razor High Roller has a durable steel frame.
- The bike is easy to assemble.
- The bike is affordable, according to users.
- Users found the vibrant colors of the bike attractive.
- The Razor High Roller has a quick-release seat post clamp, making it easy to adjust the height of the seat.
- The bike is great for children just learning freestyle tricks, with its front footpegs.
7 reasons not to buy
- Numerous users reported the bike’s hand brakes are hard to adjust and often do not engage.
- Many of the components, including the brake levers and chain guard, are constructed out of plastic. Users found they broke easily.
- Users found that the fork and rims often arrived damaged.
- The Razor High Roller’s handlebars cannot spin all the way around.
- The High Roller's chain easily falls off the bike, according to users.
- The bike is very noisy when the rider pedals.
- The bike is heavy.
Bottom line
The Razor High Roller is a 20” entry-level freestyle BMX bike. Users describe it as easy to assemble, heavy and attractive. The brakes are not adequate, and many users reported the plastic parts could easily become damaged. This bike is affordable.Expert Reviews
0/100 based on 0 rated expert reviewsRankings
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