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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Rambo The Pursuit. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
7 reasons to buy
- The Pursuit’s 750W mid-drive Bafang motor outputs a peak wattage of 1000W and is plenty powerful at hauling cargo and climbing hills.
- A GTMRK suspension fork dampens bumps under the Pursuit’s front end.
- Gearing is clean and internal, via the Pursuit’s Sturmey-Archer 3-speed rear hub.
- A thumb-operated trigger throttle is available to Pursuit riders.
- The Pursuit’s LCD display shows trip distance, battery level, power, and speed.
- Stopping power is provided by 2-piston hydraulic disc brakes.
- Kenda Krusade 26” x 4.0” fat tires provide the Pursuit with comfort and suspension over various surfaces.
3 reasons not to buy
- Owners said the 63lb Pursuit was heavy to lift.
- An owner received their Pursuit with a damaged fork.
- The Pursuit’s brakes and suspension fork are manufactured by little-known brands.