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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Prevelo Alpha Three. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
12 reasons to buy
- The Prevelo Alpha Three is lightweight. It weighs just under 19 lbs.
- The chromoly steerer and aluminum alloy fork help keep the bike's weight down.
- The bike has a long wheelbase and wide handlebars, providing riders with stability on singletrack.
- Experts said the bike was nimble and easy for riders to maneuver around obstacles and over roots.
- The seat is easy to adjust with a quick-release seat clamp.
- The bike has eight gears. Riders found the Alpha Three’s wide gear range helped them tackle a variety of terrain.
- The brakes are responsive and easy to reach.
- The bike has a more aggressive stance than some of its competitors. This encourages the rider to have a more active riding style.
- The Kenda Small Block Eight Pro tires provide riders with excellent traction.
- The bike excels on paved trails, roads and mellow dirt trails.
- The bike has a quality aluminum frame. Experts describe the welds as solid.
- The bike has 110mm cranks, specifically designed to provide young riders with efficient power transfer when pedaling.
3 reasons not to buy
- Young riders may find the Alpha Three's trigger shifters more difficult to operate than grip shifters found on other 20” children’s bikes with multiple gears.
- Some experts found that the handlebars were heavy on the bike.
- The geometry of the Alpha Three places riders in a position that may be too aggressive for some.