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6 to 18 Hours
Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Night Provision PS1200v2. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
10 reasons to buy
- The PS1200v2 front light offers 5x settings in both ‘headlight’ and ‘red & blue’ strobe modes.
- The P220 rear light has 5x modes: Red, Blue, Red Strobe, Red SOS & ‘Pursuit Mode’ (alternating red & blue strobe).
- A reviewer praises this light set’s durability. One user lauded the performance of the PS1200 after 4 years of reliable use.
- According to user reviews, working police praise the performance of the PS1200v2 in the line of duty.
- Owners commend these lights' abundant daytime brightness, both front and rear.
- An owner says the PS1200 headlight has a throw of up to 75 yds in daylight.
- Buyers deem this light to be a great value, compared to models of similar power.
- Owners consider this light set to be lightweight, considering its brightness.
- A reviewer praises this light set’s durability. One user lauded the performance of the PS1200 after 4 years of reliable use.
- Owners say the PS1200v2 light set is quick and easy to install.
3 reasons not to buy
- A couple of owners question the legal status of the PS1200's red & blue lights.
- One owner said that after 1.5 yrs of frequent use, their battery only lasts 2 hrs.
- A buyer was adamant that Night Provision exaggerate this light set’s lumen rating.