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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Kulana Lua. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
9 reasons to buy
- The Kulana Lua Tandem is a stylish bike, available in yellow or orange.
- The bike is suited for riders 5’4” to 6’2”, fitting a wide range of riders.
- Riders have the option of purchasing the Kulana Lua Tandem as a single-speed or seven-speed bike.
- Users found the bike easy to assemble.
- The seven-speed model of the Kulana Lua shifts smoothly with a twist shifter.
- The wide whitewall tires provide riders with a comfortable ride on flat terrain.
- The bike has a sturdy steel frame.
- This bike is great for individuals looking to help someone with a disability or limited mobility ride.
- The Kulana Lua Tandem is very affordable.
5 reasons not to buy
- Many users reported that the bike or fenders arrived damaged.
- The fenders have a tendency of rubbing on the wheel of this bike.
- The bike is not sized for a child to ride in the rear. The handlebars and seat cannot be lowered for riders below 5’4”.
- Many users complained that their feet ran into the front tire while turning.
- The bike is heavy, weighing over 60 lbs.
Bottom line
The Kulana Lua Tandem is an affordable bike for those wanting to ride together. This bike is best suited for riding on flat surfaces such as paths and the beach. The wide tires offer a smooth ride. The fenders on the bike have a tendency to rub and the bike is heavy. It is not ideal for riders below 5’4”. Many users found this bike worked well for riding with individuals with disabilities.Expert Reviews
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