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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Joystar Macarons. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
9 reasons to buy
- The Joystar Macaroon is available with 12”, 14” and 16” tires. This allows a wide range of riders to utilize this bike.
- A vibrant multi-color design makes this an attractive bike for young riders.
- The tires are thick and wide, allowing riders to ride the bike with ease on dirt paths, pavement, and even the beach.
- Stickers are a bonus for riders of the Macaroon. They allow riders to customize their bike.
- The adjustable seat allows riders to find a riding position that is most comfortable for them.
- Most riders found assembling the bike a quick and painless process. Additional tools are not needed for assembly.
- Child-sized cranks allow small riders to pedal smoothly.
- The seat of the bike has a handle. This is helpful to adults assisting a young rider on the Macaroon.
- The steel frame on the Joystar Macaroon is durable.
4 reasons not to buy
- The bike is heavy, making it cumbersome for children to maneuver at times.
- Many users complained that parts arrived damaged.
- Several riders report that the Joystar Macaroon chain can easily fall off.
- The bearings on the bike wear quicker than those on other children's bikes.