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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the HPC Trailblazer. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
6 reasons to buy
- The Trailblazer is available in base and Pro builds at varied price points.
- Buyers can opt for bigger batteries, much higher power, and chargers that drastically reduce charging times.
- An expert relishes the Trailblazer's maneuverability and the sense of control while riding.
- A reviewer finds the bike easy to pedal on the flat without assistance.
- The DVO suspension offers a wide range of adjustments.
- The Trailblazer comes in three frame sizes.
8 reasons not to buy
- There are many alternatives from better-known brands that are easier to ride out of the box, offer greater value, and come with superior warranties.
- The Trailblazer suffers from aggressive power delivery at all PAS levels. This led to a reviewer crashing off a jump.
- Range from the stock battery is poor, so buyers will likely need to pay extra for a bigger battery, according to one expert.
- In most jurisdictions, the optional high-power, high-speed builds can only be used legally on private land.
- The screen is below average at this price point. An expert finds it hard to see in bright sun or while wearing sunglasses.
- HPC only covers the carbon frame with a five year limited warranty.
- A reviewer complains that the dropper lever's position makes it difficult to reach.
- The suspension lacks small bump compliance, in a reviewer’s experience.
Bottom line
HPC’s Trailblazer is a Class 1 enduro e-MTB with a Bafang 750W mid-drive motor, a carbon frame, and DVO suspension (160mm front, 155mm rear). Buyers have a choice of two builds, bigger batteries, and a Rohloff hub. The sole review of the top-of-the-line Trailblazer Pro provides no information on how it or the base build compare to other electric enduro bikes. The optional high-power motors make the bike illegal on public land. The lone reviewer thinks the base Trailblazer offers good value. However, buyers not seeking crazy motor power and illegal speeds should find superior performance, better warranties, and more value in alternative enduro e-MTBs from better-known brands.Expert Reviews
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