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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the HAOQI Cheetah. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
10 reasons to buy
- The HAOQI Cheetah is available with a single (768Wh) or dual-battery (1185Wh) setup.
- Experts praise the 750W motor's power and rapid acceleration.
- According to reviewers, power delivery after throttle engagement is almost instantaneous.
- In one range test, a 120lb reviewer of the dual-battery build travels 40 miles at 20mph using the throttle.
- Testers relish the Cheetah's climbing ability, performing well on long hills with grades up to 15%.
- Reviewers enjoy how the combination of grippy fat tires and full suspension “smoothens the ride” on pavement and light trails.
- Testers appreciate the inclusion of a wattmeter and the 10-bar battery readout instead of the more typical five bars.
- Most reviewers and owners feel the Cheetah is a good-looking bike.
- The bike comes with fenders, lights, a rear rack, and has a USB port on the display.
- The Cheetah has an above-average payload capacity of 400lb.
15 reasons not to buy
- Whether with one battery (77lb) or two (83lb), the Cheetah is heavy.
- Reviewers between 5'6" and 5'11" find the non-adjustable handlebars uncomfortable for their height. Some opt to change the stem or bars.
- HAOQI rates the Cheetah for 5'5" to 6'8", but the 29" standover height means most riders under 5'9" won't fit.
- Experts say the motor kicks in after around two pedal rotations, and PAS 1 takes even longer.
- Some reviewers have trouble accessing the advanced settings to unlock Class 3 speeds (28mph), and a few experience it unlocking itself during brake tests.
- Unlocking pedal assist to 28mph also raises the throttle maximum, meaning the Cheetah breaks throttle speed laws in almost all states.
- Testers report ghost pedaling at speeds above 25mph.
- Reviewers find it hard to maneuver the bike at slow speeds and in tight turns.
- The rear suspension isn't adjustable. A 250lb rider bottoms it out on moderate trails. A light rider find it too stiff.
- During one speed test, the derailleur bolt on the reviewer's bike comes loose, causing the derailleur to move and the chain to break.
- Multiple owners find it challenging to install the fenders, especially the rear one.
- Experts say the rear rack isn't as robust as expected for an "adventure" bike.
- The single charger means long charge times for the dual-battery Cheetah.
- HAOQI claims a 3A charger is included, but some reviewers get a 2A one.
- Some owners receive bikes with defects like deep dents or bent fenders. Multiple buyers complain about HAOQI customer support.