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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the EUNORAU Defender S. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
6 reasons to buy
- The Defender S is available in two sizes and three colorways.
- Reviewers relish the “wildly fun” power provided by the two 750W hub motors.
- The Defender S achieves “impressive” results in throttle-only and PAS acceleration and speed tests.
- This bike can climb hills at speed, averaging almost 20mph on one 12%, 0.3-mile climbing test.
- Experts enjoy the “cushy” ride, one calling it the memory foam mattress of bikes.
- Reviewers enjoy the bike’s performance on non-technical off-road trails thanks to its 4” Kenda Krusade tires and full suspension.
12 reasons not to buy
- The Defender S is very heavy at 84lb.
- Experts say the weight and power in the front wheel make it difficult to start turning or change direction once turning.
- One tester complains that the throttle offers too much power.
- An expert describes the front and rear suspension as on the springy side.
- EUNORAU doesn’t provide guidance on setting up the rear suspension, according to one reviewer.
- Testers and owners struggle to fit the battery cover. EUNORAU responds with video instructions on how to do it, which requires a wrench.
- In one PAS 5 range test with both motors, a reviewer gets just eight miles of paved riding, the worst performance of all e-bikes they’ve tested.
- With its 1500W nominal power, the Defender S exceeds e-bike classification and can only be used on private land.
- The “lower-end” unbranded hydraulic disc brakes return below-average stopping power in testing.
- The display is hard to read in direct sunlight.
- One reviewer thinks the cabling is messy.
- EUNORAU owners report problems with customer support, missing parts, and damage upon delivery.