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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Early Rider Bonsai. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
8 reasons to buy
- The Early Rider Bonsai has a unique and natural appearance with its birch frame.
- The 12” tires and wheels allow riders 2-4 years old to utilize the Bonsai as they learn to glide and stride.
- The bike has air-filled tires. This greatly impressed users.
- The saddle has a vintage appearance on the Bonsai. It’s made of faux leather and has shiny rivets.
- The frame of the bike has a weather-resistant finish that protects it in the rain.
- The bike is lightweight, at 8.3 lbs. Small riders found it easy to maneuver.
- The bike is easy to assemble. Users were impressed to find that the tools for assembly were included.
- Testers agree the wheels spin smoothly on the Bonsai. They allow riders to glide calmly and with control.
4 reasons not to buy
- The bike is expensive, for a balance bike.
- Testers found the seat post can easily become loose on the Bonsai.
- The frame of the bike is fragile and can easily be dented or damaged.
- Users found the seat stiff and comfortable on the Early Rider Bonsai.