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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Co-op Cycles REV DRT. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
8 reasons to buy
- This bike has a front suspension fork and 2.6” tires to comfortably take young riders over roots and rocks when trail riding.
- The bike is easy to assemble.
- The REV DRT Kids' Bike has a quality, durable aluminum frame.
- The grip shifts are easy for young riders to use.
- The REV DRT is fast on the downhills.
- The wide 2.6" tires offer riders stability and control when riding.
- The bike is visually appealing, with reflective logos and an olive-green frame.
- Users found that the bike was affordable.
6 reasons not to buy
- The bike does not have space for a water bottle.
- The seatpost clamp is not quick-release.
- Many users had derailleur issues and had to have the derailleur adjusted or replaced.
- The grips can easily slip off the bike.
- The bike is heavy. It weighs 31 lbs.
- The bike does not have a kickstand.
Bottom line
The REV DRT Kids' Bike is an entry-level 24” mountain bike for children 4’2” to 4’10”. It has a grip shifter and hydraulic disc brakes. The bike comfortably maneuvers over obstacles on the trail with 2.6” tires and a SR Suntour XCT JR24 front suspension fork. Many users had issues with the derailleur on the bike. The bike is heavy compared to its competitors.Expert Reviews
0/100 based on 0 rated expert reviewsNew bike Co Op REV DRT 24
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