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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Bombtrack Hook. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
7 reasons to buy
- Versatility is one of the biggest draws of this bike. Pointed at offroad riding at high speeds, the Hook 1.0 pleased reviewers equally in urban and commuting settings.
- Numerous bosses (allowing for three bottle cages) and mounts for racks on the front and rear, provide for the possibility of carrying large loads (and the prospect of long-distance riding).
- The steel frame was seen to be comfortable, durable, stiff and strong
- With a polished finish, the Hook’s appearance was described as appealing and stylish.
- This bike can accommodate wide and / or tubeless tires. Alternatively, narrow road tires would lower the weight and allow for a better urban ride. This adaptability is a big plus to riders.
- The 2x10 groupset is a low-cost option that allows for riding with more weight.
- Some people described the mechanical disc brakes as effective
5 reasons not to buy
- Cables are partially exposed on the rear of the bike, worrying some riders who saw trouble coming in muddy or filthy conditions.
- The Hook was frequently described as being a bit pricey. Some riders and experts thought that better value could be found elsewhere, while others saw this bike as a higher quality option for gravel riding.
- The tires provided with the bike struck some reviewers as being slippery when wet. Many riders mentioned replacing them with 700 x 45c tires.
- It isn’t the lightest gravel / cyclocross option, coming in over 11kg. To some, this meant potential for strength under weight. For others, it’s a drawback.
- While the mechanical disc-brakes were seen as ample by a few riders, more people mentioned how the bike would have performed better with hydraulics.