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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Bakcou Storm. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
12 reasons to buy
- This bike is available in two builds, the Storm (9-speed SRAM drivetrain) and Storm Jäger (14-speed hub).
- The Storm Jäger's Rohloff internal gearing increases durability over an external derailleur. This build also has fenders and comes standard with a 25Ah battery.
- An expert says the Bakcou Storm proved dependable through the hunting season as they "tried to push the bike to its limits".
- Reviewers appreciate the fast assembly of around 20 minutes.
- The knobbly 4” fat tires offer “traction in the snow and mud.”
- One tester is impressed with the battery life, achieving 20 miles at full pace on mountainous terrain.
- Experts enjoy the “smooth,” “comfortable” ride.
- According to testers, the Storm climbs very well thanks to the “extremely powerful," and high-torque mid-drive motor
- Owners can switch between 750W and 1000W continuous power output for public and private land.
- The inclusion of a 4A charger means shorter charging times.
- Reviewers praise the “plenty powerful” four-piston Tektro hydraulic disc brakes.
- Bakcou offers the choice between five colorways, including a camo finish, at no extra cost.
6 reasons not to buy
- Experts feel the Bakcou Storm is expensive.
- This is a heavy e-bike weighing between 80lb (17.5Ah battery) and 84lb (25Ah).
- The Storm’s size and high weight limit performance on technical trails.
- The standard Storm doesn’t have fenders or lights. The Storm Jäger doesn’t have lights.
- A tester received the bike with a bent derailleur.
- One reviewer says the charging port is hard to close.