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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Addmotor Grandtan M-340. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
19 reasons to buy
- The M-340 can carry a maximum weight of 350 lb, including rider and cargo.
- Addmotor includes a rear basket with the M-340. It has a ‘48 L’ carrying capacity.
- An included front basket can carry ‘9 liters’ of cargo.
- The M-340’s half-twist throttle is available from a dead stop.
- A reviewer says the M-340 delivers 80 Nm of torque.
- The M-340 has a Class-2 top speed of 20 mph. This can be tweaked to hit 26 mph.
- Testers found that the M-340’s weight distribution is nigh-optimal.
- A wooden footrest platform allows M-340 riders to sit on the throttle... and roll.
- Motor inhibitors work with the M-340’s brakes to reduce stopping distance.
- A low step-through frame helps less-flexible riders to mount the M-340.
- A highly adjustable stem fits the M-340 to riders from 5’2” to 6’4” in height.
- Integrated front and rear lights are provided with the M-340.
- Mammoth 4”-wide tires provide shock-absorbance and grip on multiple surfaces.
- An 80 mm suspension fork helps to smooth-out on-road imperfections.
- Gear range is covered by a 7-speed cassette, combined with 5 levels of pedal-assist.
- An expert is impressed by strength-reinforcing gussetry, on the M-340's frame.
- Seniors may appreciate that the M-340’s seat is wide and features a backrest.
- One tester says the M-340’s mechanical brakes stop on a dime.
- Front and rear fenders are included with the Addmotor M-340.
7 reasons not to buy
- The M-340’s hub motor is in the trike’s front wheel, resulting in some slippage.
- Owners must remove the M-340’s seatpost before removing this trike's battery.
- The M-340’s cadence sensor results in some lag when activating pedal-assist.
- On the M-340’s rear wheels, the left brake pulls much harder than the right.
- Like all 3-wheelers, the M-340 is unstable at higher speeds, especially on turns.
- With 20” rear wheels and a 7-speed cassette, the M-340’s derailleur dangles low.
- The M-340’s mechanical brakes are very squeaky.
Bottom line
It’s beefy, basket-ready and equipped with a footrest. This Class 2 electric trike is stable on flat ground but dicey on turns, like most three-wheelers. Addmotor specify the M-340 as having a 48V 17.5Ah battery but also a 768Wh capacity. This only makes sense if the battery is 48V 16Ah. Either way, a tester says this trike’s real-world range is around 25 miles, while Addmotor specifies 55 miles. They don’t list the bike’s total weight but list ‘shipping weight’ as 140 lb, so we know this is a hefty rig (probably around ~80 lb). A sound option for running cargo-heavy errands at a casual and cruisy pace.Expert Reviews
70/100 based on 3 rated expert reviewsAddmotor M-340 Review: 750-Watt, Comfy, Stable Electric Trike
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