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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Vvolt Centauri II. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
11 reasons to buy
- The Centauri II performs above average in one reviewer's standardized hill climbing test.
- Testers enjoy the comfortable ride, citing the gel saddle, ergonomic grips, and upright riding position.
- Experts relish the smooth and responsive pedal assist.
- Testing shows linear increases in power across the pedal assist levels.
- The Gates Carbon CDX belt drive is quiet, grease-free, and low-maintenance.
- Assembly is quick and easy, according to testers.
- Reviewers compliment the sleek colorways, headlight and battery integration, and reflective paint details.
- Vvolt offers this bike in three sizes, fitting a wide stated height range of 4'9" to 6'4"
- The Centauri II comes with an integrated headlight, a taillight, fenders, and a display with USB-A charge port.
- The frame has three-pack fork mounts, two bottle cage mounts, rear rack mounts, and built-in belt tensioners.
- The Centauri II has a high payload capacity of 440lb.
11 reasons not to buy
- Riders must coast for one second in order to downshift, which is particularly inconvenient when climbing.
- A reviewer reports a delay between Boost mode finishing and pedal assist kicking back in.
- Boost mode can trigger an upshift if accelerating past the preset shift point, frustrating testers.
- All product images show the Centauri II with a rear rack, but this costs extra.
- A 185lb reviewer gets just 23.4 miles in a max assist range test, the lowest of the mid-drive e-commuters tested by the publication.
- The speeds at which the automatic hub shifts can be modified, but the interval between shifts (6mph) cannot.
- One reviewer feels the cadence is too high by the time the hub shifts to third gear.
- The Centauri II doesn't have brake lights.
- The Shimano MT200 hydraulic disc brakes lack a motor inhibitor switch.
- Several reviewers find the 30mm mono-shock suspension stiff.
- The below-average 2A charger results in lengthy charge times.