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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Vtuvia Gemini. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
13 reasons to buy
- Experts praise the Gemini's “powerful” 1000W motor and climbing performance.
- The motor is “responsive” and kicks in quickly upon activating the throttle.
- The Gemini comes with a high capacity of 21Ah from two integrated batteries.
- In one range test, a 210lb rider covers 30-miles using high assistance.
- During testing, the Gemini quickly reaches 32mph and easily maintains high speeds.
- Experts commend the bike's off-road capabilities with "grippy" 4" fat tires.
- According to reviewers, the stopping power is better than "most bikes" at this price.
- Testers say the EXSHO suspension fork absorbs bumps and vibrations well.
- The Gemini has a high payload capacity of 400lb.
- Testers appreciate the stable and comfortable ride.
- The handlebar stem is adjustable for adapting the riding position.
- Reviewers applaud Vtuvia's attention to detail and the Gemini's aesthetic appeal.
- The Gemini comes with a headlight, taillight, rack, phone mount, “bright” display, and fenders.
6 reasons not to buy
- With 1000W nominal power, the Gemini's motor exceeds e-bike regulations in most US states.
- At 72lb, the Gemini is heavy.
- This Gemini is only suitable for riders taller than 5'8".
- A tester notes the speed indicator reads 2mph higher than external devices.
- A reviewer reports shipping damage to the gear indicator.
- The “slippery” grips disappoint one tester.