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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Priority Current. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
13 reasons to buy
- Hydraulic disc brakes allow riders to stop on demand.
- The Current has more torque than other bikes in its category. It has 140 Nm of torque, allowing riders to accelerate powerfully.
- There is a USB port on the bike to charge devices on the go.
- Priority is responsive to customer complaints and questions. They even offer text support.
- Priority includes touch-up paint for the frame if it gets scratched or damaged.
- Riding the Current is an incredibly quiet experience, according to testers.
- The bike includes integrated lights. This allows riders to use the bike after dark.
- Most users and experts agree the glossy finish on the black or white frame of the bike is visually appealing.
- The 650b tires on the Priority are wide. They provide riders with stability over rough patches of road.
- The battery is integrated into the frame. This gives it a sleek appearance.
- The Current has fenders to help riders stay dry in wet conditions.
- The saddle has a gel cushion that is plush for wider bottoms.
- The LCD display is easy to read. It shows speed, distance, average speed and more.
2 reasons not to buy
- The Current does not have a throttle.
- The bike lacks suspension. Some riders felt a suspension fork would help smooth out the ride on bumpy roads.