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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Knog Blinder Skull Rear. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
8 reasons to buy
- The Skull’s super-bright 100-lumen output is above average for a small light.
- No bones about it. On this light, every mode but 1 features a Skull logo.
- On ‘Eco-Flash’ mode, Knog says the Skull Blinder can last for 55 hours.
- The Skull comes with a choice of o-rings, to fit a range of seatpost sizes.
- There are 8 modes available on the Blinder Skull Rear light.
- Charging does not require a cord or bung, thanks to the Skull’s USB ‘tongue’.
- Some light is emitted through the sides of the Skull light, giving peripheral visibility.
- Knog rate the Skull as waterproof (IP67). A tester says it’s well-sealed.
6 reasons not to buy
- A reviewer feels that buyers pay a premium for the Skull design.
- One tester says the Skull logo is only visible up to 33 feet away.
- The Skull’s batteries are not replaceable.
- An expert sees Knog’s 2-year warranty as being on the shorter side.
- Owners say there is no protection over the face of the Skull Blinder light.
- Users lament that this light uses the older, slower USB-A standard and that the charge indicator light is difficult to see.