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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Knog Blinder Link. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
7 reasons to buy
- The Blinder Link comes in two versions: one that mounts to saddles and the other to cargo racks.
- An expert praises the brightness and eye-catching flashing patterns, and an owner adds that it's suitable for use during the day or at night.
- The runtimes are slightly above average for 100-lumen rear lights.
- The Blinder Link provides side-on visibility.
- Testers say both versions are quick and easy to install.
- The Blinder Link remembers the last mode used.
- This light is waterproof.
2 reasons not to buy
- Several owners complain that the light slides out of the seat mount when riding over bumpy surfaces, sometimes resulting in loss.
- Experts and owners feel the Blinder Link is expensive.