33rd Annual Wilderness Road Ride

Saturday, May 25, 2024
Radford, Virginia, USA
Century, Gran Fondo, Half Century, Recreational

The Wilderness Road Ride is a scenic and historical adventure that follows part of Daniel Boone’s Wilderness Road. This is a recreational ride on paved roads for all cycling levels to enjoy, with something for everyone – 5 routes to choose from ranging from a 26-mile relaxed journey for novices, to a century challenge for the fittest cyclist. This is a great ride for cyclists of all ages and athletic abilities. The Wilderness Road Ride gran fondo is Saturday, May 25, 2024.

All routes will start and finish at Radford’s Bisset Park, shelter #2, right, alongside the New River. Non-riders can enjoy beautiful Bisset Park, the New River, and downtown Radford, while their families and friends are out riding. Fully supported aid stations will be positioned at regular intervals along the course and the start/finish location. Aid stations will be supplied with Heed Hammer Nutrition fuel, as well as water and plenty of other snacks. SAG vehicles will be on the course for emergencies.

All pre-registered riders are guaranteed a technical t-shirt and other goodies. Detailed maps and cue sheets will be available at the start of the ride.