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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the All-City Cosmic Stallion. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
13 reasons to buy
- The All-City Cosmic Stallion has a durable steel frame.
- All-City designed the Cosmic Stallion to run 700c or 650b tires.
- 40mm Clement X’Plor MSO tires provide riders with great traction for riding on roads, gravel and mellow trails.
- Six sizes, ranging from 46mm to 61mm, allow a wide range of riders to enjoy adventures and commutes on the Cosmic Stallion.
- Experts agree the bike places riders in a non-aggressive, upright, comfortable riding position.
- The bike handles extremely well. One expert found it responsive and nimble as they maneuvered on singletrack.
- Mounts on the fork and frame allow riders to easily attach racks, fenders, water bottle cages and bags.
- Users have options for 1x or 2x builds. The Shimano build is a 2x, while the SRAM build is a 1x setup.
- Experts found that gears shifted smoothly on Shimano and SRAM builds of the Cosmic Stallion.
- Ovalized ACE frame tubing provides riders with additional comfort while reducing the bike's weight.
- The long wheelbase of the All-City Cosmic Stallion provides riders with control and stability over pavement or gravel.
- The frame has space for a framebag, making it capable of taking on bikepacking adventures.
- The Cosmic Stallion is affordable.
2 reasons not to buy
- The bike is not quick to accelerate.
- The Cosmic Stallion’s sizing is not the same as competitors. Users must pay attention to how All-City sizes the bike to ensure they choose the correct size.
Bottom line
The All-City Cosmic Stallion is a reliable steel bike. It is available in six sizes. All-City offers the bike with Shimano or SRAM drivetrains. It is very versatile but not the quickest bike. Experts found it capable of taking on road rides, endurance gravel rides and light bikepacking adventures.Expert Reviews
75/100 based on 1 rated expert reviewThe Cosmic Stallion – A Beast of Burden or a Thoroughbred?
Review: All-City Cosmic Stallion
First Ride: All City Cosmic Stallion
The All-City Cycles Cosmic Stallion Is So Capable, You Can Hit Every Surface in a Single Ride
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