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Summary of Reviews
We have read all expert and user reviews on the Jollito Balance Bike. In summary, this is what cyclists think.
9 reasons to buy
- The EVA foam tires on the Jollito Balance Bike don’t require air.
- The steel frame is sturdy.
- It’s easy to adjust the seat height.
- The bike is available in two attractive colors: blue and pink.
- The Jollito Balance Bike has footrests.
- It’s easy to assemble. The tools are provided.
- The bike helps toddlers develop balance, coordination and agility.
- The handlebars are adjustable.
- The front wheel has a mudguard to keep kids from getting wet as they charge through puddles.
2 reasons not to buy
- The Jollito Balance Bike does not have handbrakes.
- The bike is a bit heavier than others in its category.